

Fadi: Oh, sorry to hear that. Well, never mind, perhaps you'll make it up.
Carlos: Yeah. Maybe. Hope so.
Fadi: Olivia! Hi!
Olivia: Why's that?
Fadi: Well, a couple of reasons.
Olivia: Go on.
Olivia: "FindLondon"? The tourist help service?
Fadi: Yeah, that's it.
I wondered if you wanted to be in on it.
Olivia: Thanks, but no thanks, like I already said Fadi, I've got enough to do running my own business!
Fadi: Ok, fair enough.
Olivia: What was the other thing?
Fadi: Oh, yeah.
Go see a movie, go for a drink maybe.
Olivia: Oh, thanks, Fadi, but it'll have to be a no on that one too – I'm looking after Joe on Friday.
Fadi: Joe your nephew? Oh, he's always around, isn't he?
Olivia: Family is important, Fadi!
Fadi: You sound like my dad.
Fadi: Listen, you do want us to carry on seeing each other, don't you?
Olivia: Yeah, but nothing serious, eh?
Fadi: Ok. Hey Carlos! I think that's two of us!

Just the girl I wanted to see. First, you know the business me and Harry and Johnny are starting. Well, we need some more capital. I was wondering if you wanted to come out on Friday night? Let's just keep it casual.