
Today the complex relationship between the soil under our feet and our warming world. Microbiologist Charles Rice told EarthSky that soil helps take carbon dioxide out of the air – it absorbs millions of tons each year. [---1---]

Charles Rice: [---2---] And so as they're feeding on that, then they're releasing that carbon back to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

So soil can help warm or cool the Earth - depending on how we manage it.

Charles Rice: [---3---]


Charles Rice: So there's a multiple win situation.

But Earth is still warming, and, as it does so, microorganisms in the soil release carbon. With warmer temperatures, just like our warm bodies, the microorganisms grow faster and so they need more food, and so they would feed on that organic carbon. You can increase the amount of carbon stored in soil by increasing plant inputs, and that could be by different rotations, cover crops, improving fertility. He said that keeping carbon locked in soil also helps keep soil healthy and results in better crops.