I would like to propose that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening, right after the early evening news, all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited by law. Let us take a serious, reasonable look at what the results might be if such a proposal were accepted. Families might use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction of TV, they might sit around together after dinner and actually talk to one another. It is well known that many of our problems -- everything, in fact, from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of mental illness -- are caused at least in part by failure to communicate. We do not tell each other what is disturbing us. The result is emotional difficulty of one kind or another. By using the quiet family hour to discuss our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better.
我想建议每天晚上在晚间新闻之后的60-90分钟时间内,美国的所有电视广报都应该以法律的形式禁止播放。让我们看看这个建议一旦被采纳会所带来的结果,你就会感受到它的重要性和合理性。每个家庭都将因此拥有真正的家庭时间,没有了电视的打扰,他们将围坐在一起,真正地进行彼此间的交流。众所周知,我们身边很多的问题,比如代沟、高离婚率。各种类型的精神疾病,都源于交流的缺失,我们不在告诉彼此困扰我们的烦心事,结果就是心理困惑越积越多。如果将这一小时清净的家庭时间用于交流我们的问题,那么我们和家人之间将会更加了解彼此,也会更加珍爱彼此。 ——译文来自: 太阳雨爱点点