( 被戴绿帽子, 被情敌和女朋友嘲笑, 是时候了, 从一个男孩, 变为一个男人!! Suit Up !... )

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
Barney: How could... With your dad? I mean, I know, judge not lest ye be judged, but gross!
Shannon: Barney, that's not my dad. His name's Greg. I've been seeing him for a few weeks. ____1____
Barney: ____2____ But what about the Peace Corps?
Shannon: Yeah, all this granola business, it was just a phase. Greg's older. ____3____
Barney: ____4____
Shannon: ____5____ You should go to the Peace Corps. And forget about me.


Barney: There's sugar in the basket. Shannon! Shannon, you came back!
Shannon: ____7____
Barney: Did you... Did you get my tape?
Man: Oh, she got the tape.
Barney: You? You... It was you?

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D
I was hoping you'd just leave and we could avoid all this. We're breaking up? He's successful. He buys me all this cool stuff. But I love you. But he has a boat. I didn't go. That night, I recorded my video and mailed it to Shannon, I didn't see her until a week later. I'm just picking up my last paycheck.
Barney: 你怎么能...和你爸爸. 我想说,不能因为看见什么就妄加判断. 但是太夸张了吧 Shannon: 巴尼,那不是我爸爸. 他叫格雷格,我已经认识他有一两个星期了. 我就是希望你能离开,免得我们都要面对这事 Barney: 我们俩黄了. 但和平工作队的事呢 ? Shannon: 是的,这不过是生理需要,只是个过渡而已. 格雷格比你大, 他是成功人士. 这些很酷的东西,都是他给我买的 Barney: 但是我爱你 Shannon: 但是他有艘艇 你应该去和平工作队,然后忘了我 我没有去, 那晚,我录了那盘带子,把它寄给了香楠, 一周后我才见到了她 Barney: 篮子里有糖. 香楠!香楠,你回来了 Shannon: 我是来那我最后一个月的工资 Barney: 哦,你有没...你有没有收到我的带子 Man: 哦,她收到带子了 Barney: 你... 是你.. !? (模仿录像中的Barney唱歌)