
【Dialogue 5】

A Taiwanese tourist (T) is in a bank in Seattle. (B: Bank Teller)
B: Good day, sir. Can I help you?
T: Hello. I'd like to cash ——1——traveler's checks . I'd also like to convert some Canadian dollars into US dollars.
B: Sure. Let's——2——the traveler's checks first. How many would you like to cash?
T: Just these two one-hundred dollar checks.
B: ——3——. I'll need to see some identification, please, Mr. Wu. Do you have your passport with you?
T: Yes, I do.——4——.
B: Thanks. Now please sign both of these checks. How would you like your cash?
T: Four fifties, please.
B: Now, how much Canadian currency would you like to convert?
T: I have eighty-seven dollars. What's the——5——today?
B: It's a dollar thirty-two Canadian to one US dollar. So eighty-seven Canadian will get you sixty-five dollars and ninety cents, minus the two-dollar currency conversion charge.
T: ——6——.
B: I just need you to ——7——this currency conversion form. Your name here, address here, and signature down on the bottom there.


What's the interest rate? 利率是多少?
The interest rate is calculated on a monthly basis. 利率是以月为单位计算的。
What's the current rate? 当前汇率是多少?
What's today's exchange rate for the Japanese Yen? 今天日元的兑换率是多少?

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答案:a couple of take care of All right Here you are exchange rate Sounds fine fill out
先生,您好。有什么我可以为您效劳的吗? 你好,我想兑换几张旅行支票,还要把一些加币换成美金。 好的,我们先来处理旅行支票。您要兑换多少? 就这两张一百元面额的。 好,吴先生,麻烦您,我需要看一下您的证件。您带护照了吗? 有,给你。 谢谢。请在这两张支票上签字。您现金要怎样换? 请换成四张五十元的。 您有多少加币要兑换? 我有八十七元。今天的汇率是多少? 一元三十二分加币可以兑换一美元。所以八十七元加币可以换成六十五元就十分的美元,不过要扣掉两元的手续费。 好的。 您只需要填一下这张外币兑换单就好了。请在这天上姓名,地址,并在下方签上自己的名字。