
MVO: ____1____?

MVO: That fantasy of what your life would be. White dress, Prince Charming, Who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. ____2____.

MVO: Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close, you could taste them.

MVO: But eventually, you grow up. ____3____.

MVO: Most people turn to the things and people they can trust.

MVO: But the thing is, ____4____. Cause almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope, of faith, ____5____.
You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, and you had complete and utter faith One day you open your eyes, and the fairy tale disappears it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely that one day they'll open their eyes and it will all come true
你知道当你还是小孩子的时候会有多相信童话故事吗? 幻想着自己将来的生活,梦想自己穿着白色的婚纱,等著白马王子将你带到山上的城堡。晚上闭着眼睛躺在床上,并且对此抱有完完全全绝对的信念。 圣诞老人,牙仙,白马王子,在那一刻,他们近在咫尺,你似乎嗅到了他们的味道。 但最终你长大了,有一天早晨你醒来睁开眼睛的时候,发现所有的童话都消失了。 大多数人倾向于相信他们所愿意相信的事和人。 但实际上,人们很难完全忘记童话故事。因为每个人心间的某个角落都怀有一丝希望,一点信念,期待某天醒来睁开双眼的时候,一切梦想皆以成真。 ——译文来自: yarie