

Hong Kong
Hi, I hope you can give me a hand. I've seen all of the new Hollywood movies and I want to try something new. I don't know what, just something different. Why not try a Bollywood movie? No, I've told you I've seen all of the new Hollywood releases, I want something different. Not Hollywood, Bollywood. India's movie industry, well. Mumbai's movie industry to be exact. The name comes from a combination of "Bombay" -- the old name of Mumbai and "Hollywood". It's becoming very popular nowadays, not just for Indians, for everyone. OK, what style are Bollywood movies? They are usually musicals, based on love stories, with male and female leading actors. There's lots of dancing too. Well, that does sound different! Can you give me some more information, please? Bollywood is a massive movie industry, maybe the biggest in the world. It has been going for nearly nine decades! That's a long time, but the love story, musicals didn't become popular again until the late 1980s. The first Bollywood movies were silent. Now, the budgets for these movies are low by Hollywood standards, just like the Hong Kong movie industry. Low budget, but big success.
嗨,真希望你能帮个忙。我看完了最近的好莱坞片,想试试些新玩意,不知道怎么说,反正就是些不一样的影片。 干嘛不试试宝莱坞影片? 不,我说了我都看完好莱坞新片了,我想试试不一样的影片。 不是好莱坞,是宝莱坞。印度电影工业。嗯,准确的说应该是孟买电影业。这名字是由孟买的旧称BOMBAY和好莱坞结合而来的。现在很流行呢,不仅仅是印度,全世界都很有名呢。 好吧,那宝莱坞电影都是些什么类型的呢? 大多都是以男女主人公爱情故事为主的音乐剧,里面也有很多舞蹈动作。 嗯,听上去是有点不一样啊。能再说说给我听吗? 宝莱坞是个很大的电影工业城,可能是当今世界上最大的了。它至今已经发展了出不多90年了。虽然是相当长的一段时间,但是这些爱情剧音乐剧重新受人关注是80年代末的事。早期的宝莱坞影片是无声电影。现在,以好莱坞的标准来说,宝莱坞片都是低预算影片,就像香港片一样,以低成本获得大收益。 ——译文来自: 掐灭大