【难度系数】 这是雅思听力里的Section 3,难度一般,表格形式,主要考察的是大家提取信息的能力。
【内容简述】 这是一个刚毕业的学生去面试工作,与招聘单位之间的对话。
【表格填空】(注意不要超过三个单词) 并且听到的原文和给出的表格不是百分之百一样的哟,大家要注意提取信息,掌握文章的意思。这种形式在IELTS听力中经常碰见哟

Name: Jonathan Briggs
Degree: Economics and ___1___
Teaching experience: Volunteer Teacher
Location: ___2___
Dates: ___3___
Volunteer Organisation: ___4___
Type of school: ___5____
Subjects taugh: ____6____ Forms 1, 2 and 3
English Form ____7____
Agricultural Science Form 6
Other responsibilities: ran school farm
Reasons for wanting to leave in first year: ____8______
few teaching resources
Reasons for wanting to extend tour: success of cattle breeding project
obtained funds for farm buildings
Reasons for wanting to train to teach Geography: It is his ____9____
It has many ____10____
Politics Africa 1990 to 1992 Teach South rural cooperative Geography five homesick favourite subject applications