House of Representatives Speaker
John Boehner
Minnesota Governor
Tim Pawlenty
校稿 forever秋懵
翻译 xzc1987
组长 jilang
The president said continuing uncertainty over the debt limit is one factor keeping businesses from hiring. He said an agreement must be reached soon. "The American people sent us here to do the right thing, not for party, but for country. So we are gonna work together to get things done on their…
总统讲到,有关债务限额的争议迁延不决,已经成为了抑制就业的一大因素。大家必须尽快达成一致意见。 奥巴马说:“美国人民之所以选择我们,是让我们为国家做一些贡献,而不是为某一政党。因此,我们应当齐心协力,为人民服务。这是他们对我们的最低要求,而不是最高的期盼。” 美国政府须在八月二号前上调当前的14.3…