[Hello. (in Spanish)] [My name is Cynthia. (in French)]
According to a variety of studies my languages may be providing ___1___ beyond the ability to chat with locals when I travel. Judith Kroll, from Penn State University, discussed findings from a number of her lab’s papers on February 18th at a session of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Common thought, she explained, holds that bilingual children are ___2___ in their cognitive development. But it turns out that bilingual children and adults perform better when it comes to multitasking and focusing on important information. That’s because ___3___. So the multilingual is always making choices in selecting the appropriate language for a given situation. In the lab’s most recent paper, that scenario held true for deaf students who use American Sign Language and written English.
Ellen Bialystok, from Toronto’s York University, explained that bilingual children are better at ___4___ than monolinguals. She also found that multilingualism may help protect against age-related ___5___, such as Alzheimers and dementia.
So maybe [the fact that I speak a few languages (in Hebrew)] helps me pop between different topics for this podcast.
mental benefits hindered the other languages are always present in the background prioritizing tasks mental decline
大家好(西班牙语),我是辛西娅(法语)。 多项研究表明,我所掌握的多国语言除了用于和当地人交谈之外还有利于智力健康。美国宾州州立大学的朱迪斯•克罗在2月18日举行的美国科学促进会年会上谈论了她的多项实验室研究发现。 人们一般认为会说两国语言的小孩子在认知发展过程中,能力会受到阻碍。但是研究发现,无论是掌握双语的小孩还是成人,在处理多项任务以及关注重要信息时都比常人表现得出色。原因在于在处理一种语言任务的同时,他们掌握的另一种语言也在无形之中起着重要的作用。因此,掌握多种语言的人时刻都在选择一种适合时宜的语言。朱迪斯•克罗在最近的一项研究报告中指出,上述研究发现在使用美国手语以及书面英语的聋哑学生身上得到了验证。 来自加拿大约克大学的艾伦•贝里斯托谈到双语儿童在区分任务轻重方面要比使用单一语言的同龄人更出色。艾伦还发现掌握多种语言还有助于防治阿尔茨海默氏症、痴呆等与年龄相关的智力衰退。 看来我能在这段播客中的各个话题之间转换自如还多亏【我会说多国语言呢】(希伯来语)~