Meredith 结尾独白。

Competition而已,没必要赢了battle,输了war。Meredith试着be nice,be friendly,试着去接受她的housemates。
There's another way to survive this competition. A way no one ever seems to tell you about. One you have to learn for yourself. Number five: it's not about the race at all. There are no winners or losers. Victories are counted by the number of lives saved.
赢得这场竞争有另一个方法,这个方法你从来都没听说过,你必须自己去了解。第五:与竞争毫无关系,从来就没有胜者或者败将。医生胜利与否取决于救了多少命。 ——译文来自: chris夏