资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖At the furniture and homeware store〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Alright. First thing anyone needs is light to see by at night. Let's get a few lamps.
B: I think we'll need at least two floor lamps for the TV room. And maybe one for each bedroom?
A: Sounds good. I don't think the ____1____ lights will be bright enough. Also, we should get a coffee table and an ottoman for the TV room——I need a place to put my feet up!
B: Now, for the kitchen, we need quite a bit of stuff. First, a ____2____ and a toaster. I think we're pretty set with pots and pans. But we do need utensils like ____3____, ____4____ and kitchen knives. Silverware wouldn't be a bad idea either!
A: Hey——don't forget ____5____ either! For the bathroom we need a shower curtain, a ____6____, and a medicine cabinet. Also there's no mirror so we should pick one of those up as well. Oh, and don't forget ____7____!
B: For the bedrooms I think we need quite a bit of stuff as well. ____8____, comforters, pillows, and new mattresses because the ones our apartment came with are too old.
A: We also need curtains or shades because right now the neighbors can see in. I also want a ____9____, an alarm clock and some clothes ____10____.
B: Otherwise I think all we need is a phone, an answering machine, and I need to get a replacement TV remote because the old one broke while I was moving. Oops!
A: That's ok. No worries. Well, we've got a lot of work to do——let's get started!

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

ceiling microwave spoons spatulas chopsticks bathmat towels Sheets nightstand hangers
<本期重点词汇> ceiling n.天花板 ceiling light 吊灯 ottoman n.无靠背无扶手的长沙发或长软椅(An upholstered sofa or divan without arms or a back.///An upholstered low seat or cushioned footstool.) microwave n.微波炉 toaster n.烤面包机 utensil n.器具 spoon n.勺 spatula n.小铲,抹刀,压舌板(A small implement having a broad, flat, flexible blade that is used to mix, spread, or lift material.///A device, such as a small wooden paddle, used to press down the tongue during an examination of the mouth or throat.) chopstick n.筷子 shower curtain 浴室中的拉帘 bathmat n.浴室防滑垫(bath mat) (A mat used in front of a bathtub or shower, as to absorb water or prevent slipping.) medicine cabinet 医药箱 mirror n.镜子 towel n.毛巾 sheet n.床单 comforter n.<美>盖被 shade n.遮光物,帘 nightstand n.<美>床头几 (=night table n.A small table or stand placed at a bedside. Also called nightstand.) clothes hanger 衣架 answering machine 电话应答机 <参考译文> A: 好啦,首先大家都需要晚上照明,所以我们得买几盏灯。 B: 我想我们至少要买两盏落地灯放在有电视的那个房间,各自卧室也要有一盏。 A: 听起来不错。我想吊灯不够亮。客厅里我们还该有个茶几、一个脚踏——我得有个地方放脚啊! B: 现在轮到厨房了,我们需要不少东西。首先,需要个微波炉,一个烤面包机。我觉得我们锅够了,可还需要些餐具像勺子、铲和刀之类的东西。银具应该是首选啊。 A: 嘿——别忘了还有筷子。浴室里需要一个浴帘、防滑垫和医药箱。还有,我们没有镜子,也需要挑一块。别忘了买毛巾! B: 还有卧室我们也有不少东西得买呢。床单、被子、枕头、床垫,公寓里原来的那些太旧了。 A: 还需要窗帘或者百叶窗,因为现在邻居可以直接看进来。我还想买床头柜、闹钟和一些衣架。 B: 另外,我想我们需要一部电话、一部留言机,还需要换个电视遥控器,旧的那个我搬家的时候摔坏了。 A: 行,别担心。我们有好多事情要做,开始吧。