资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖Unpacking in the new apartment〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: This is so great! Our realtor was amazing——she's good at her job. We got this place even though four other people wanted to buy it too!
B: Yeah, she's a pretty ____1____ businesswoman. I wouldn't want to run into her in a dark alley!
A: So are you sure you're okay with taking the smaller bedroom?
B: Yeah. We ____2____ a ____3____ for it fair and square. What's done is done.
A: Well, to be fair, I will pay for the ____4____——it's the least I can do.
B: Speaking of which, what else do we need to buy to make this place feel more ____5____?
A: Well, I was allowed 72 pounds of luggage plus one carry-on, so I'm pretty useless in the furniture department.
B: I drove down here from my home a few hours away and I brought a TV, DVD player, a ____6____, and some speakers. I also have a ____7____ and a couple of old ____8____ and ____9____... I think we need to go shopping.
A: Me too. Let's put our ____10____ to work!

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

tough flipped coin dishwasher homey couch lamp pots pans paychecks
<本期重点词汇> dishwasher n.洗碗机 homey ad.家庭似的,舒适的 couch n.长沙发 pot n.锅,罐,壶 pan n.平底锅 paycheck n.付薪水的支票,薪水 (a check in payment of wages or salary) <参考译文> A: 太棒了。我们的房屋经纪人真是太神了——她做得真不错。另外还有四个人想买这个房子呢,但是还是被我们拿到手了。 B: 是啊,她是个很精明强干的商人。我可不想载道她手里。 A: 你确定你住在那个小的卧室里没问题吗? B: 是的。我们扔硬币来决定的嘛,就这样吧。 A: 那么,公平起见,我来买洗碗机——这是我最起码该做的了。 B: 说到买东西,我们还需要买些什么东西可以让这里更有家的感觉呢? A: 嗯,我只拿了72磅的行李,还有一个手提箱,我什么家具也没带。 B: 我花了几个小时从家里开车到这里,带来了一台电视、DVD机、沙发和几个喇叭。我还有个台灯和几个旧锅......我想我们还是需要再去买些东西。 A: 我也这样想。我们去买东西吧。