乌拉乌拉~ 说到土著居民大家第一个想到什么了呢?~ 嗯~我们今天就来了解下澳洲的土著居民~


Western Australian
Lake Mungo
New South Wales
I'm writing a paper on early civilizations. I've decided to focus on the Australian aborigines. Sounds good. I'd love to do some extra reading on this topic. I'm not sure exactly what to write. Let's begin at the beginning. Australia may well be the home of the world's first people. Stone tools discovered in 1971 show that humans lived in Australia at least 12,000 years before they appeared in Europe. I read that so far three early sites have been discovered in Australia, the Penrith one being dated about 47,000 years old, a Western Australian site 40,000 years old and another in Lake Mungo, New South Wales, 35,000 years old. That means there have been in excess of 1,850 generations of aboriginals! I never thought of it that way. Let's look at their culture, too. More than 30,000 years ago the population of the world was small, and people lived in family groups, hunting, fishing and food gathering. At that time there were no cultivated crops, animals were not herded for food and metalworking was yet to be discovered.
S1: 我在写一篇有关早期文明的论文, 我已经决定重点写澳大利亚的土著居民. S2: 就这个话题我也想多读点东西了解一下。 S1: 我不知道到底该写些什么。 S2: 那就从头说起吧. 澳大利亚很可能是世界上最早一批人类的家园. 1971年发现的石器表明人类在澳洲出现的时间比在欧洲至少早上12,000年。 S1: 我也从书上读到过, 说至今在澳大利亚发现的3个早期遗址中, 彭罗斯大概有47,000年的历史, 澳大利亚西部的一个遗址也有40,000多年历史, 而另外一个位于新南威尔士芒戈湖的遗址也有35,000年的历史. S2: 也就是说生活在澳大利亚的原始居民已超过了1,850代! S1: 我从来没有那样想过。 我们再来看看他们的文化吧. 大约30,000年前, 世界的人口总数还很少, 人们都是以家庭为单位, 一起打猎、捕鱼和采集食物。 S2: 当时人们还没有种植农作物,也没有圈养动物来获取食物,金属加工业也还没有发展。