
Jonathan Lunine: The atmosphere of Titan makes it difficult to see the surface. And that's why it has taken so long to kind of [-----1-----] some of Titan’s secrets bit by bit.

That's astronomer Jonathan Lunine. He's speaking about Saturn's largest and most mysterious moon, Titan, whose surface is covered by clouds. He said NASA's Cassini spacecraft might have detected volcano-like features on Titan's surface.

Jonathan Lunine: Since we know the [-----2-----] of Titan is ice and not rock, we call those 'cryovolcanoes.' These are places where the crust of Titan has melted.

Earth's volcanoes spew [-----3-----], but Titan's ice-volcanoes are different.

Jonathan Lunine: So if you were standing on Titan's surface, of same place and watching a cryovolcanic flow, it would be a rather gooey mixture of water and ammonia — it would look like molasses flowing out across the surface.

Lunine suggested Titan's volcanoes also release methane gas, [-----4-----].

Jonathan Lunine: It's methane that flows throughout the streams on Titan, it's methane that makes the rain and the clouds, it's methane that drives the climate.

The Cassini spacecraft's findings are still [-----5-----].

Jonathan Lunine: Are these really cryovolcanic features, or are they something else?

That was astronomer Jonathan Lunine, and I am Deborah Byrd from E&S, a clear voice for science. We are at E&S. org.

peel away crust magma which would condense to form clouds, just like water on Earth. controversial