It’s been ____1____ for its healthful, anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been recommended for helping ease the pain of arthritis, preventing cancer and slowing memory loss. But some recent studies of fish oil show that it may not always act as advertised—and that ____2____.
First, the latest news. Researchers spent 18 months following almost 300 patients with ____3____ Alzheimer’s. Some took fish oil, others a placebo. And there was no difference cognitively between the two groups. The study is in the current Journal of the American Medical Association.
It’s a ____4____ on cancer. A study of more than 35,000 post-menopausal women found that those who took fish oil seemed half as likely to develop breast cancer as those who didn’t. That work was in the July issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
But a study in the October 15th issue of Cancer Research found that mice with inflamed bowels developed colitis and aggressive colon cancer when they were given high doses of fish oil.
So, fish oil might in fact have a healthful role in some circumstances. But you don’t want to swallow every ____5____.
touted you can sometimes have too much of a good thing mild to moderate mixed bag fish story
对鱼油的研究发现食用效果好坏参半 鱼油因其有益健康、抗抑炎症的功效而为人推捧。它被大力推荐用于协助减轻关节炎疼痛、预防癌症、减缓记忆衰退等。不过,最近的研究表明,鱼油或许并没有像广告宣传的那样具有神效,有时候好东西摄入太多也会过犹不及。 首先,最新消息:研究人员花落18个月来追踪近300名轻度至中度的阿兹海默症患者。其中一些人服用鱼油,另一些服用安慰剂。而两组对照并无认知差异。这项研究结果发表在最新一期《美国医学会》杂志上。 这对癌症患者而言可谓喜忧参半。一项由3万5千多名绝经后妇女参与的研究发现,服用鱼油的妇女比不服用鱼油的妇女患乳腺癌的几率似乎少了一半。这项研究发表在6月份的《癌症流行病学、生物标记物与预防》上。 但是,10月15号出版《癌症研究》发现,肠道发炎的小鼠在摄入高剂量的鱼油后会患上结肠炎和转移能力极强的结肠癌。 如此说来,鱼油实际上可能只在某些情况下起到助益健康的作用。当然,你也大可不必把这些研究结果看得过重。