背景资料:美国“脱口秀女王”奥普拉·温弗瑞Oprah Winfrey录制最后一期脱口秀节目和特别节目《奥普拉惊喜巨献》,为迄今播放25年的《奥普拉·温弗里脱口秀》画上完美句号。

Chicago 芝加哥
Dorothy 多萝西
Cowardly Lion 胆小鬼狮子
Yellow Brick Road 黄砖路
Oprah Winfrey Show 奥普拉·温弗里秀
After much prayer and months of careful thought, I've decided the next season, Season 25 will be the last season of the Oprah Winfrey Show. And over the next couple of days, you may hear a lot of speculations in the press about why I'm making this decision now and that will mostly be conjecture. So I wanted you to hear this directly from me. 24 years ago, on September 8, 1986, I went live from Chicago to launch the first national Oprah Winfrey Show, I was beyond excited and as you all might expected, a little nervous. I knew then what a miraculous opportunity I had been given, but I certainly never could have imagined the Yellow Brick Road of blessings that have led me to this moment with you. These years with you, our viewers have enriched my life beyond all measure and you all have graciously invited me into your living rooms, into your kitchens and into your lives and for some of you, long time Oprah viewers, you have literally grown up with me, we've grown together.