Marco Polo
David Livingstone
Robert Peary
Iditarod race
Mount Everest
Meriwether Lewis
William Clark
Pacific Northwest
Roz Savage
校稿 maymedici
翻译 星迹
组长 蓝色三叶草
When you hear the words "adventure travel", perhaps you think of Venetian merchant Marco Polo, the distinguished African explorer David Livingstone, or North Pole adventurer Robert Peary. Nowadays, it conjures up images of muscular guys mushing sled dogs to victory in Alaska's Iditarod race, or teth…
当你听到“探险旅行”这个词的时候,你可能会想到威尼斯商人马可波罗,著名的非洲探险家大卫•利文斯通,或者北极探险家罗伯特•培利。而现在,这个词可能还会让你想象到在爱迪塔罗德雪橇比赛中 ,健壮的男人指挥雪橇狗冲向胜利,或者把自己绑在蹦极绳上冲向大峡谷。 探险,攀岩,和蹦极的都是男性。 但是也有几十…