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"Did you find it?" asked Toad.
"No," said Frog. "There was only an old ____ asleep on a tree ____."
"I walked along the river ____ I came to another corner.
I went around the corner to look for spring."
"Was it there?" asked Toad.
"No," said Frog.
"There was only some wet ____ and a lizard who was ____ his tail."
"You must have been tired," said Toad.
"I was tired," said Frog, "and it started to rain."
"I went back home. When I got there," said Frog,
"I found ____ corner.It was the corner of my house."
"Did you go around it?" asked Toad.
"I went around that corner, too." said Frog.
"What did you ____?" asked Toad.
worm stump until mud chasing another see