Kathryn Wilson
校稿 reallyyan
翻译 manhattan280
组长 ilmalfoy
A new study finds that men who drink a lot of coffee are less likely to develop potentially fatal prostate cancer. It's the latest study to show a beneficial effect from one of the world's favorite beverages. The study included about 50,000 men who reported their coffee consumption in questionna…
一项新的研究发现,经常喝咖啡的人比较不容易患致命性的前列腺癌症。这个最新的研究展示了这种全世界最受欢迎的饮料之一带来的益处。 这项研究涵盖了5万名男性,他们通过问卷调查,每四年统计一次咖啡消耗量。连续20多年的调查发现,适度饮用咖啡饮者中相对较少出现前列腺癌症病症。但是,该项研究的第一作者,来自哈佛…