Morganza Spillway
Colonel Ed Fleming
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Mississippi River
Gulf of Mexico
校稿 maymedici
翻译 星迹
组长 蓝色三叶草
72km north of Louisiana's capital, experts say this plume of gushing water from the Morganza Spillway will gradually raise water levels up to 6m high - flooding farms and businesses in an area that until Saturday was home to more than 25,000 people. Colonel Ed Fleming of the U.S. Army Corps of E…
摩根萨城溢洪通道位于路易斯安那州州府以北72公里处。专家称,从那里涌出的激流会逐渐将水位抬升至6米高。这将会淹没泄洪区的农田和商业设施。而直到星期六,这一地区仍有2万5千多居民。 美国陆军工兵部队的陆军上校爱德佛莱明称,这次行动具有历史意义。“今天对于路易斯安那州、摩根萨城和我们整个国家都是历史性的一…