【Dialogue 1】
A: Do you think this ——1—— would look good on me?
B: Yes, it would. I think you would look very ——2——.
A: I think it would ——3—— my new jacket.
B: You're right. It would be a great match.



I'm going casual today.

Whar are you going to wear today? 你今天穿什么?
I'm going casual today. 我今天要穿得随意些。

I'm going to dress down.
I'd like to put pn something casual.
I'm going to wear some comfortable clothes. 我准备穿舒服点的衣服。
I want to dress in jeans. 我想穿牛仔裤。

答案:sweater fashionable go well with
你觉得我穿这件毛衣好看吗? 当然会,我觉得你会显得很时髦。 我觉得它和我的新夹克挺配的。 对,它们是绝配。