上期我们听到了Jack躲在罐子里,看见巨人的会下金蛋的鹅以及会自动弹奏美妙音乐的竖琴,于是他想把这些东西带走改善生活。(Jack 你胆子肿么这么大!自己都快被吃掉了诶,还惦记着人家的财宝……)那他的想法实现了么?听了就知道!

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Now, the giant feels ____. He closes his eyes. Soon he is sleeping. Jack walks to the table. He takes the goose and the harp. They are also sleeping. ____, he takes them to the beanstalk.
Suddenly, the harp wakes up. "Help! Help! Somebody is taking me away!" it cries.
The giant wakes up. He looks out the window and sees Jack. ____, he runs after him. Jack goes down the beanstalk. He is very fast. Above him, the giant is going down the beanstalk. Will he catch Jack?
Now, Jack is at the ____. He takes an ____ and cuts the beanstalk. Whack! Whack! Whack! Slowly, the beanstalk falls over. Far above, the giant cries out. He falls to the ground. Whoomp! The ground shakes. The giant lies there ____. He is dead!
Jack and his mother now have food and money. They live happily ____ after.
sleepy Quietly Quickly bottom ax still ever