Everyone from Freud to Tina Fey has tried to understand why some things are funny. Now, new research concludes that one key to comedy is for a situation to [--1--], but in a gentle way.
Researchers presented volunteers with a number of different [--2--]. For example, the Jimmy Dean [--3--] company needs a spokesman for its new line of pork products, so they hire Rabbi Shlomo Rosenfield. Or, so they hire a farmer. Participants were more likely to find the rabbi scenario wrong, but they were also more likely to think it was funny.
The researchers found that participants would laugh at situations with moral violations if, for example, they felt that situation was [--4--], harmless or involved people unconnected to the listener. The study appears in the journal Psychological Science.
The finding deviates from previously published psychology studies which equate moral violation [--5--] with disgust. It also proves that Mel Brooks was onto something when he said, “Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down an open sewer and die.”
violate a moral standard scenarios sausage hypothetical solely
不管是佛洛依德[注1]还是蒂娜·菲[注2], 所有人都想搞清楚有些事为何让人觉得搞笑。最近,新研究发现笑剧的关键点是违背道德准则,当然, 只是轻微的越界。 研究人员为自愿者提供多种不同的方案。例如,吉米·迪恩香肠公司需要为它的新推出的猪肉制品找一个代言人,于是他们聘请拉比·什洛莫·罗森菲尔德。或者,他们干脆去找个农夫。参与者们大都觉得聘请拉比这个方案是个错误, 但同时他们也觉得这个方案很有意思。 研究人员发现参与者会对那些有违背道德的方案发笑,比如说那些假设性的,无公害的或者那些没人搭理的方案。该研究发表在《心理学》期刊上。 这一发现与之前发表的心理学研究结果有些出入,之前结果皆是对违背道德的厌恶。此项发现还证明梅尔·布鲁克斯的话也不无道理,他说,“杯具就是我切到我手指头。洗具呢,就是你掉到了一个露天的阴沟里,结果就挂掉了。” 注1:佛洛伊德(856-1939,奥地利心理分析学家及精神病学家) 注2:蒂娜•菲,美国演员编剧、制作人。作品较多。1970年出生在美国宾夕法尼亚州上达比。她因参演《我为喜剧狂》被提名为2007年第59届美国黄金时段艾美奖喜剧类电视剧最佳女主角。