美国著名童书作、画家艾诺.洛贝尔(Arnold Lobel)所创作的《青蛙和蟾蜍》系列在美国可说是家喻户晓的经典之作,一直是美国小学生简易阅读的必要选书。该系列图书主要是在述说主角青蛙与蟾蜍这一对好朋友生活当中的种种趣事,他们的友情与默契贯穿所有的故事,让读者在阅读时,从头到尾都沉浸在一种温馨的情绪中。然而,青蛙与蟾蜍特殊的个性、出人意表的行为及想法,又让故事的发展充满幽默风趣的惊喜。下面我们就一起来听听这对好朋友在春天里发生的故事吧~ 故事比较长,所以采用听写填空的方式,大家一起来听故事吧~^^
frog-青蛙 toad-蟾蜍

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Frog ran up the path to Toad`s house.
There was no answer.
"Toad,Toad," shouted Frog, "wake up. It is spring!"
"Blah," said a voice from inside the house.
"Toad! Toad!" cried Frog.
"I am not here," said the voice
Frog walked into the house. It was dark.
"Toad, where are you?" called Frog
"Go away," said the voice from a corner of the room.
He had pulled all the covers over his head.
Frog pushed Toad out of bed.
Toad blinked in the bright sun.
"Help!" said Toad "I cannot see anything."
"Don`t be silly," said Frog
"What you see is the clear warm light of April. ____________________________, Toad. Think of it," said Frog.
"We will skip through the meadows and run through the woods and swim in the river. In the evenings we will sit right here on this front porch and count the stars."
"You can count them, Frog," said Toad
"I will be too tired. ____________________________."
He knocked on the front door The sun is shining! The snow is melting! Wake up! All the shutters were closed Toad was lying in bed He pushed him out of the house and onto the front porch And it means that we can begin a whole new year together I am going back to bed