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That's very far, thought Little Nutbrown Hare.
Then he looked beyond the thornbushes, out into the big dark night.__________________________.

"_______________________," he said, and closed his eyes.

"Oh, that's far," said Big Nutbrown Hare. "That is very very far."

Big Nutbrown Hare settled Little Nutbrown Hare into his bed of leaves.He leaned over and kissed him good night.

Then he lay down close by and whispered with a smile, "______________________________."
He was almost too sleepy to think anymore Nothing could be further than the sky I love you right up to the moon I love you right up to the moon - and back
小兔子想,那真的好远。它揉揉红红的两眼,开始困了,想不出来了;它抬头看著树丛后面那一大片的黑夜,觉得再也没有任何东西比天空更远的了。    大兔子轻轻抱起频频打著呵欠的小兔子,小兔子闭上了眼睛,在进入梦乡前,喃喃说:“我爱你,从这里一直到月亮。” “噢!那么远,”大兔子说。“真的非常远、非常远。”      大兔子轻轻将小兔子放到叶子铺成的床上,低下头来,亲亲它,祝它晚安。      然后,大兔子躺在小兔子的旁边,小声地微笑著说:“我爱你,从这里一直到月亮,再……绕回来。”