这段是Judy写给长腿叔叔第一封信中描述她大一宿舍模样的文字,从这部分中,我们不难感受到Judy对新生活充满着欣喜与感激,一切在我们眼中也许稀松平常的事在她看来就是生活给予的惊喜。文中出现了Judy好友的名字,她叫Sallie McBride。为避免同学们因为拼错人名而扣分,特意将人名标注在此~
Do you care to know how I’ve furnished my room? It’s a symphony in brown and yellow. The wall was tinted buff, and I’ve bought yellow denim curtains and cushions and a mahogany desk (second hand for three dollars) and a rattan chair and a brown rug with an ink spot in the middle. I stand the chair over the spot. The windows are up high; you can’t look out from an ordinary seat. But I unscrewed the looking-glass from the back of the bureau, upholstered the top and moved it up against the window. It’s just the right height for a window seat. You pull out the drawers like steps and walk up. Very comfortable! Sallie McBride helped me choose the things at the Senior auction. She has lived in a house all her life and knows about furnishing. You can’t imagine what fun it is to shop and pay with a real five-dollar bill and get some change—when you’ve never had more than a few cents in your life. I assure you, Daddy dear, I do appreciate that allowance.
您想知道我是怎么布置房间的吗?我房间里的主色调是褐色和黄色。墙面本来就是浅黄色的,而我又买了黄色的斜纹棉布窗帘和靠垫,还买了一张红褐色的书桌(二手的,只花了三块钱)、一把藤椅和一块中间有团墨渍的褐色地垫。我拿藤椅把那块墨渍给遮上了。 房间的窗户很高,坐在普通的椅子上是没法往外看的。不过,我把衣柜后面的穿衣镜卸了下来,在柜子顶上铺了块垫子,然后挪到了窗边。用它来当窗边椅子,高度刚刚好。你可以把抽屉拉出来当梯子,这样就可以走上去。坐上去可舒服了! 这些东西是萨莉•麦克布赖德在高年级拍卖会上帮我挑的。她以前一直都住在家里,所以就对家具很熟悉。在以前,我口袋里最多也只有几分钱,现在却可以拿一张货真价实的五块钱钞票去买东西、等别人找零钱,这样的乐趣简直让人没法想象。亲爱的叔叔,说实在话,我真的很感激您给我的津贴。