You probably missed The New York Times photograph that showed a revealing picture of New Yorkers' rides into work on commuter trains. The photographer stood behind a long series of rows, 3 seats to a row. In the photo, every window and aisle seat - and not one middle seat - is occupied. The train is…
你可能没看到过纽约时报上刊登的一张耐人寻味的照片,照片里纽约人乘着通勤车去上班。摄影师站在一长列座位的后面,三个座位为一排。在照片中,每个靠窗和紧邻过道的座位都有人坐,但中间的座位却无人问津。列车其实相当拥挤,过道中挤满了站着的人,但所有人都无视中间空着的座位。一些人甚至坐在了地上。 照片旁的故事…