When astronaut Alan Shepard took his first swing at a golf ball on the moon, he hit more dirt than ball. The dust he ___1___ reinforced the idea that the moon is one big ___2___. But looks can be deceiving. Now, scientists reanalyzing lunar samples say that our satellite is at least a hundred times wetter than we thought. The results appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Astronauts ___3___ the Apollo missions brought home plenty of moon rocks. And in 40 years of looking at those samples, no one ever found a trace of water. That could be because the collision that made the moon in the first place was so hot that volatile elements like hydrogen, a key component of H2O, largely burned away.
Now, using a technique that can identify elements present in just a few parts-per-billion, scientists have taken another look at three lunar samples, two from Apollo missions and one ___4___ found in Africa. And they detected hydroxyl, the HO that’s left behind when a rock crystallizes from ___5___ containing water.
The results suggest that water may be ubiquitous in the interior of the moon. Although there’s probably not enough to qualify as a water hazard.
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当宇航员艾伦·谢泼德在月球上打出第一杆高尔夫球时,他扬起的更多是的沙尘。这也使人们进一步确信月球是一个巨大的沙坑。然而,表面现象是具有迷惑性的。如今,科学家们重新分析月岩样本时发现,这颗环绕地球的卫星至少比人们想象的要潮湿一百倍。这一发现刊载于《美国国家科学院院刊》。(作者:弗朗西斯·麦卡宾等,AxmNO) 执行阿波罗计划的宇航员们从月球上带回了许多岩石样本。经过40年的观察,没人从中找到水的痕迹。这可能是因为月球形成过程中,撞击产生的热能使挥发性氢元素——水的重要组成成分——大量流失。 如今通过采用一项新技术观察含量在百亿份率数量级的物质,科学家重新研究了三个月岩样本,其中两个是执行阿波罗计划的宇航员从月球带来的,另一个是在非洲发现的陨星。科学家们从中找到了羟基,这是由含水岩浆结晶成岩石遗留下来的。 这些研究成果表明月球内部可能富含水分,尽管这些水分还不足以达到“泛滥”的程度。