Peasant Life in China—A Field Study of Country Life in the Yangtze Valley



It must be realized that a mere land reform in the form of reduction of rent and equalization of ownership does not promise a final solution of agrarian problems in China. Such a reform, however, is necessary and urgent because it is an indispensable step in relieving the peasants. It will give a breathing space for the peasants and, by removing the cause leading to “revolt,”will unite all forces in finding the way to industrial recovery.

A final solution of agrarian problems in China lies not so much in reduction of expenditure of the peasants but in increasing their income. Therefore, industrial recovery, let me repeat once more, is essential. The traditional industry of China was mainly rural; for example, the entire textile industry was formerly a peasant occupation. At present, China is, in fact, facing a rapid decay of this traditional industry directly due to the industrial expansion of the West. By arresting this process, China comes into conflict with the Western Powers. How this conflict can be solved peacefully is a question I would like to leave to other competent scientists and politicians.
最终解决中国土地问题的办法不在于紧缩农民的开支而应该增加农民的收入。因此,让我再重申一遍,恢复农村工业是根本的措施。中国的传统工业主要是乡村手工 业,例如,整个纺织工业本来是农民的职业。目前,中国实际上正面临着这种传统工业的迅速衰亡,这完全是由于西方工业扩张的缘故。在发展工业的问题上,中国 就同西方列强处于矛盾之中。如何能和平地解决这个矛盾是一个问题,我将把这个问题留待其他有能力的科学家和政治家去解决了。

But one point connected with the future industrial development in Chinamust be stressed here. Being a late comer in the modern industrial world, China is in a position to avoid those errors which have been committed by her predecessors. In the village, we have seen how an experiment has been made in developing a small-scale factory on the principle of co-operation. It is designed to prevent the concentration of ownership of means of production in contrast with the capitalist industrial development in the West. In spite of all difficulties and even failures, such an experiment is of great significance in the problem of the future development of rural industry in China.
但是有一点与中国未来的工业发展有关,必须在此加以强调。在现代工业世界中,中国是一名后进者,中国有条件避免前人犯过的错误。在这个村庄里,我们已经看 到一个以合作为原则来发展小型工厂的实验是如何进行的。与西方资本主义工业发展相对照,这个实验旨在防止生产资料所有权的集中。尽管它遇到了很多困难甚至 失败,但在中国乡村工业未来的发展问题上,这样一个实验是具有重要意义的。

Finally, I would like to emphasize that the above-mentioned problems have not disappeared since the present Japanese invasion. The tragedy is unavoidable in building our new China. It is a part of our international adjustment that sooner or later we must face. Only by going through it, can we hope for a real reconstruction of our country. During the struggle, the agrarian problems in fact have become more vital. Our victory against foreign aggression can be insured only by removing internal conflicts through relieving the peasants by a reasonable and effective land reform. Now Japan has offered us an opportunity to break our old vicious circle in the land problem. It is true that thousands of villages have already, like Kaihsienkung, been destroyed by the invaders, but in their ruin our internal conflicts and follies should find their last resting-place. From the ruin, a new China will emerge. The coming generation will, I sincerely hope, credit us with facing the problems of our age in a spirit of understanding and sympathy; our sacrifices and the hardship we are undergoing shall stand vindicated only if we look forward to the future with oneness of purpose and clarity of vision.




 费孝通(著) 戴可景(译)
