A letter from the teacher counsellor
A letter from the teacher counsellor Dear Friends Thank you very much for your letters. Since the three of you have expressed more or less the same problem of having a guilty conscience I would like to share with you some general view on the matter here in our Teacher Counsellor's Corner. I expect to meet you each next week during my office hours. I must say that I am pleased to read your letters. And from what you have described about the flower pot that dropped accidentally from the high rise, the ugly guys who teased and bullied the little boy on the train, and the rude and careless cashier at the supermarket, I have the sure feeling that you are all very honest and good students. Clearly,you have a fair and sensible judgement about the things that happen around you. And this is very important. I understand that you were not quite sure about how to react properly in those situations and you still feel sorry for that. In my opinion,your weakness may lie in a kind of hesitation and lack of courage in unexpected incidents. In other words,if you had been a little more courageous and more confident about yourselves, you would have shown more strength and wisdom. Dear friends,if a guilty conscience has made you reflect upon your past failure I believe that careful thinking together with continuous effortwill certainly bring you more positive and successful solutions in the future You are moving in the right direction. I look forward to seeing you in my office. Sincerely Teacher Counsellor
辅导员老师的回信 亲爱的朋友们 感谢你们的来信。 你们其中有三个人多多少少都遇到了同样的内疚感。 我想跟你们分享一下 我们辅导中心的意见对于你们遇到的这些问题的意见。 我希望能在下周的工作日能见到你们每一个人。 我得说我很高兴看到你们的来信。 从你们叙述的花瓶不慎从高楼坠落, 戏弄和欺负火车上小男孩的丑恶的人, 还有超市里粗鲁又大意的收银员, 我感觉到你们都是很诚实的好学生。 很明显,你们对于发生在你们身边的事 都表现出很公正很明智的判断力 这一点是非常重要的。 我知道你们不明白对于这种情况应该怎样应对, 并为此感到心存愧疚。 我认为,你们的缺点可能就是你们的犹豫 和对突发事件缺乏应对的勇气。 也就是说你们需要更多的胆量 和对自己更大的信心, 这样你们就可以显示出更多的力量和智慧。 亲爱的朋友们,如果内就让你想起了过去的失败 我相信谨慎的思考和不屑的努力 将会给你们的未来带来更多积极和成功的应对方法。 你们正朝着正确的方向前行。 期待在办公室里见到你们。 你们的, 辅导员老师。