ordinary:形容词,平凡的,修饰something, anything或nothing时,置于其后。
"Oh,St.John,I'm glad--I'm so glad!"I cried,laughing. St.John smiled." You looked so worried and serious when I told you about the money. And now you're happy about something ordinary!" "No,you don't understand. This means everything to me! You see,you already have some family. But I had no one,and now I suddenly have three wonderful cousins!" I walked quickly around the room. My head was full of wonderful ideas. I could now help the Rivers family by sharing the money with them! There were the four of us cousins. If we shared my money equally,there would be five thousand pounds for each of us. That was plenty of money. It was a fair answer to our money problems,and we would all be happy. If they did not want to,Diana and Mary would never have to work again. We would all be able to spend more time together at Moor House. Of course,when I told my cousins what I wanted to do,they did not agree at first. But they knew that I was serious about sharing the money,so finally they agreed to each take five thousand pounds. Mr.Briggs the lawyer gave the money to each of us.