read my thoughts:看出了我的心思。注意不要把read翻译成“读”。
"Jane,can you imagine my horrible life when you have left me? I will be alone,with no one but that mad woman upstairs. Where will I find friendship,and love,and hope?" "Sir,you can only trust in God. Live without doing wrong,and die hoping to go to heaven,"I said. I had never said anything harder. "But all that is impossible without you! And... and you have no family that would be angry,if you lived with me!" He sounded like a desperate man,and I knew what he said was true. But I also knew that I was right to leave him. He seemed to read my thoughts. He grabbed me and stared fiercely into my eyes. He could have broken me in two with one hand,but he could not break my spirit. I stared firmly back at him,even thought I was small and weak.