"You see this girl?" said Mr.Brocklehurst."She is young; she looks like an ordinary child. But she is not.She is very wicked! Children,don't talk to her,stay away from her.Teachers,watch her carefully.You must punish her body to save her soul--if she has a soul.This child... I can hardly say it... this child is a liar!" "How terrible!" said the two Brocklehurst daughters. "I learned this," continued the man,"from Mrs.Reed,the kind lady who cared for her.In the end,Mrs.Reed was so afraid of this child's bad ways that she had to send her here.So,teachers,watch her carefully!"
you must punish her body to save her soul:你们必须惩罚她的肉体以拯救她的灵魂。 表面上这是一所救助孤儿的慈善学校,但实际上却充满了险恶的伪善行为。这一句最能体现这个学校奉行的教育本质:从肉体和心灵上对孩子进行双重折磨。