
——Seals and Crofts
Windflowers ——Seals and Crofts Windflowers, Windflowers, My father told me not to go near them. He said feared them always And he told me that they carried him away. Windflowers, Beautiful windflowers, I couldn't wait to touch them, to smell them I held them closely, Now I can not break away. The sweet bouquet disappears, Like the vapor in the desert, So take a warning son Windflowers, Ancient windflowers, Their beauty captures every young dreamer, who lingers near them, But ancient windflowers, I love you.
风之花 风之花 风之花 我的父亲曾告诉我不要靠近她们 他一直都心怀畏惧 说她们使他失去理智 风之花 美丽的风之花 我等不及要触碰她们,俯嗅她们 紧紧的拥抱着她们 如今我已无法自拔 甜美的花束消失了 彷佛沙漠中的一阵烟雾 小心一点啊孩子 风之花 古老的风之花 她们的美丽掳获了 每个徘徊不去的年轻梦想者 古老的风之花 我爱你