Hi, Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. This radio program has been running for couples of months, owing to your constant care and support, fortunately, it’s rising. Today, just right here, I’m presenting all my wishes to my audience that has been always supportive to me and my program. I wish you the ability to develop the light that is within you, to strengthen your spiritual faith, to help your faith in yourself to grow and thrive. You have the gift of self-sufficiency, and the possibility of growing into a person who is strong and able. But may you not grow too strong, though, so that you reject the help and love and caring of others who wish to be there for you. Balance your strength with your needs and the needs of others to be helpful and to show their caring. I wish you light in your darkest hours. When life seems to be confusing or empty, and when your path seems to be hidden in the shadows of pain, doubt, despair, or unrest, may you find the light inside of you that will help you to see things as they truly are, for every night comes to an end, every storm runs its course, and light and peace always return to us. I wish you the power of a perspective that allows you to see the beauty of the darkness, no matter how threatening your current situation, or how uneasy you may feel. There always is light for us to access, whether it be the light of God or the light of a close friend, or even the light within ourselves that is the power and the strength with which we've all been blessed to one extent or another. This is Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax; I do wish you true happiness every day!
大家好,欢迎来到Faith轻松之声,我是Faith。Faith轻松之声节目开播已经超过一年了,由于得到大家忠实的关爱与支持,之声越办越好。今天,在这里,我要真心地祝福那些长期以来支持我和这个节目的所有听众。 我祝愿你能以光明照亮内心,坚定心灵的信仰,让它在你心中生根发芽。你有自力更生的天赋,也能够自强不息。可是,我希望你不要太强,因为那会使你拒绝别人的帮助和关爱。因此愿你在自强不息和满足他人乐善好施的需要这两者之间寻找恰当的平衡。 我祝愿你在最黑暗的时候看到光明。当生活似乎让人感到迷惘或空虚,当你的人生旅途似乎笼罩在悲痛、疑虑、绝望或动荡的阴影中时,我祝愿你找到心中的阳光,看到生活的真实面貌,因为黑夜尽头总是光明,阳光总在风雨后。 我祝愿你能发现黑暗之美,无论身处的环境多么不堪,无论你觉得多么忧虑。我们总能看到光明,那或许来自上帝,或许来自好友,甚至来自我们的内心,那是种种祝福所赋予我们的力量。 这里是Faith主持的Faith轻松之声。真心地祝愿大家每天都幸福快乐!