what's your favorite sport? it's hard to say. Perhaps swimming is my favorite. I like swimming because it helps improve my lung capacity. In the scorching summer days, there's nothing like a cool swim. Currently, I go to the pool twice every week. is the entrance charge expensive? well, it c…
你最爱什么运动? 这很难说,也许是游泳吧,可以增大我的肺活量.夏日炎炎,游几圈多凉快!目前我每周去游两次. 游泳池收费贵吗? 哦,贵的我心疼---30块钱,因此我连想都不敢多想了.不过我发现慢跑是个不错的替代.哈哈,跑步?不觉得有点无聊吗? 瞧你说的!你不明白其中的乐趣.跑步当然是项简单的运动啦,简单得不需要任何技巧,…