哪天你看到一颗貌似彗星的行星,那会是啥星呢?嗯,有可能是HD 209458 b哦。它是颗气态大行星,也叫“欧西里斯”星。难得一见的扫把星居然还有模仿者?!这伪扫把星的尾巴到底是哪里来的呢?
Whaddya get when you cross a planet with a comet? Well, HD 209458 b looks like a candidate. It's a gas giant planet also called Osiris, and it's orbiting so close to its star that some of its atmosphere gets blown away by the stellar wind. Astronomers think that it may then have a tail like a comet's. The researchers studied the odd object using the Hubble Space Telescope and reported their finding in the July 10th issue of The Astrophysical Journal. [Jeffrey Linsky et al., S] The planet is about 153 light-years from Earth, and weighs a bit less than Jupiter. But its zippy orbit is a hundred times closer to its star than Jupiter's is. Astronomers got information about the planet by observing its effect on its star's light when it moved in front of the star from our point of view. They found that most of the gas being driven away from the planet by its star was moving at 22,000 miles per hour. But don't worry about the planet disappearing entirely any time soon. The current best estimate to complete the vaporization: a trillion years.
哪天你看到一颗貌似彗星的行星,那会是啥星呢?嗯,有可能是HD 209458 b哦。它是颗气态大行星,也叫“欧西里斯”星。它的运行轨迹过于接近其恒星,致使它的部分大气层被恒星吹起。天文学家们认为这样一来,这颗行星就像彗星一样有了一条尾巴。 研究人员用哈勃太空望远镜观测了这颗奇特星球,并且将他们的发现发表在了《天文物理期刊》7月10日大事记中。这颗行星距离地球约153光年,略轻于土星。不过它的运行轨道与其恒星之间的距离要比土星与其恒星之间的距离近100倍。天文学家通过观测当它运行到观测点与其恒星之间时对恒星的光的影响发现,这颗行星上大部分被其恒星吹起的气体的流速达到了每小时22000英里。不过,我们大可不必担心这颗星球很快就会消失,据目前最准确的估计,这颗行星完全蒸发得花1万亿年的时间。