The deadly rampage in April on the campus of Virginia Tech left 32 people, and the gunman, dead. Among the victims was freshman Austin Cloyd, who was an active volunteer for the poor. Austin's parents have now involved other Virginia Tech students in the volunteer program to carry on their da…
四月在弗吉尼亚理工学院发生的枪击事件造成了32人和持枪者身亡。罹难者中就有大学新生奥斯汀·克洛伊德,一个积极为穷人服务的志愿者。现在奥斯汀的父母与参加志愿者计划的弗吉尼亚理工学院学生一起继续着女儿的遗愿。 从上高中起,奥斯汀就利用暑假来参与阿巴拉契亚服务计划。ASP是以信仰为基础的组织,将志愿者团队送遍阿…