"The news of the price of cotton when it arrived in New York was instantly of enormous interest to people in Mobile and Savannah and New Orleans, and once they could get that news immediately, that made a huge difference for the efficiency of distribution." The title of Howe's book, What Hat…
当棉花价格的消息到达纽约之时,立刻引起了摩比港市、沙凡那港市和新奥尔良市人们的强烈关注。一旦他们可以马上得到消息,分销的效率性有了大大的提高。 豪书的标题,上帝所做的,是塞缪尔莫尔斯在1844年演示电报的时候发送的一段消息正文。这段文字来自于圣经,作者称它反映了长久以来宗教的重要性,例如建造学校和学院。美…