This facility in Del Mar, north of San Diego, in normal times is a fairgrounds and race track. Now it is temporary home to some 2,000 people, and even more evacuated dogs and horses. There are just as many volunteers, who collect and distribute donations of food and clothing. C…
这个位于圣地亚哥北部的岱尔玛地区的建筑在平时一个游乐场兼跑马场的场地,现在成了一个临时避难所。这里容纳了2000多的难民, 和更多被疏散的狗与马。这儿还有差不多同等数量的志愿者。他们收集并分发捐助的食品和衣物(给难民们)。 这是来自加州傅布鲁克的夏洛特·列格在这儿的第四天了。她和她的大多数邻居一样害怕自己的…