随着大火从墨西哥边境经洛杉矶一路向北席卷到了圣芭芭拉市. 加州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格周日晚间宣布全州七个县进入紧急状态...
With fires raging from the Mexico border through Los Angeles and northward to Santa Barbara, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in seven counties Sunday night. Monday, he called this a tragic time for the state. The fires, fanned by desert winds called San…
随着大火从墨西哥边境经洛杉矶一路向北席卷到了圣芭芭拉市. 加州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格周日晚间宣布全州七个县进入紧急状态。周一,他称这次是本州的危难时刻。 在经历一个酷暑及史上罕见的干旱后形成的这场大火既有圣塔安那沙漠大风助纣为虐又有干燥易然的灌木丛火上加油。 周一在处于山脉旅游圣地的箭头湖旁,有很多房屋被烧…