The private firm SITE Intelligence Group notified the White House last month that it had obtained a new video from terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. The company offered it to U.S. officials on the condition that they not reveal its existence until after al-Qaida released it, the…
一家名为SITE的私营情报公司上个月密报给美国说他们又获取了一段来自恐怖组织头目本拉登的录象. 这个公司把这段录象交给美国有关人员,提出的条件是在基地组织播放后再公布,这样就能保全这家公司通过隐秘渠道获得这盘录象的真相。 但没过几个小时,这段录象便向全球播出,毁掉了SITE创始人雷塔卡茨经年发展起来的技术,如今…