Etienne Krug
Margie Peden
Every day, more than 2,000 children worldwide die from accidental injury. Each year, as many as 3,000,000 children are saved from one leading cause of child deaths -- drowning. Yet survivors can suffer brain damage. As a result, the lifetime health and economic costs of a non-fatal drowning are the …
每年,有多达300万的儿童获救于溺水,这一儿童死亡的首因。然而,生还者也许会遭脑部损伤。因此,平均而论,非致命性溺水其终身医疗和经济代价在各种伤害中是最高的一种。 此内容发表于“世界儿童伤害预防报告”的调查结果中。这项新报告是世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会就此类研究作出的第一例报告。世界卫生组织的Etien…