Condoleezza Rice
Robert Mugabe
Sean McCormack
American officials say Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will join talks on Zimbabwe this week at the United Nations. The State Department says the Security Council has failed to take meaningful action to end the country's political and health crisis. Zimbabwe faces a cholera outbreak that also th…
美国官方表示,国务卿赖斯本周将在联合国参加有关津巴布韦的谈话。美国国务院指出,联合国安理会未能采取有意义的行动来结束津巴布韦的政治危机和健康危机。津巴布韦面临着霍乱的爆发,并也威胁到了周边国家。许多津巴布韦人已越过边境前往南非寻求治疗。 预计国务卿赖斯会设法向津巴布韦总统Robert Mugabe施加压力,其发言…