Harry Truman
Hillary Clinton
President Kennedy
In announcing his national security team, Mr. Obama said he chose people who share what he called "a core vision," but who would not shy away from debate. But the president-elect also made it clear that when it comes to foreign policy, his voice will carry the day. "I'm a strong believer in strong p…
宣布他的国家安全小组班子时,奥巴马说他挑选的人符合他所谓的“核心观点”,而且也勇于辩论。 但当选总统奥巴马也清楚地表示,在外交政策方面,他将作最后决定。 他说:“我非常相信要有不屈不挠的个性和坚定不移的观点,我认为最好的决定就是这样做出来的。但大家要明白,作为总统,政策将由我来定。但我也会执行总统职责…