Frank Hammer,Ohio
Members of the United Auto Workers and other labor unions appeared at a news conference on Capitol Hill Monday as lawmakers and the White House were negotiating details of a loan package for General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. They came not only from Michigan, where the companies are based, but also…
汽车工人联合工会的会员和其他一些工会会员出现在周一在国会山上举行的新闻发布会上,会上立法者和白宫正在协商通用汽车,福特和克莱斯勒三家公司的贷款计划细节。 他们不仅来自三大汽车公司总部所在地密西根州,也有来自印第安纳,俄亥俄,纽约和其他一些州,在那里有成千上万人从事着与汽车工业直接或间接有关的工作。…