But today other countries are making progress more quickly. The United States is 10th in the percentage of college-educated adults age 25 to 34. And it is 7th in the percentage of 18 to 24 year olds in college. Also, a lot of students drop out. The report says college completion "has never been a s…
但是如今其它国家进步得更快。就年龄在25到34岁有大学学历的成年人的比例而言,美国排第十位,而在18到24岁的大学学生比例来说,它排第七位。也有一些学生退学了。报道称大学毕业从来就不是美国高等教育的优势。在这29个国家里面,美国的大学毕业率是第五位。 从大学里毕业首先需要获得(入学)许可。在这周我们的外国学生…