Manfred Nowak
The new organization plans to carry out research projects on themes aimed at strengthening the Declaration and human rights. These include projects on human dignity, prevention of violence, detention, migration, statelessness, the right to health, climate change, and the creation of a world court of…
这个新组织计划进行一些旨在加强《人权宣言》和人权的研究项目。这些项目包括人类尊严,防止暴力,拘禁,移民,无国籍,享受卫生保健权,气候变化和成立世界人权法庭。 Manfred Nowak是名人士小组的一名成员,曾经也是联合国酷刑问题特别调查员。他说已经有一个国际刑事法庭负责对那些犯有反人性、种族屠杀和战争罪的罪犯进…