Kevin Rudd
The International Energy Agency has said that clean coal technology could help reduce the release of greenhouse gases by 1/4. But a spokeswoman for the environmental group Friends of the Earth says the technology has very limited promise to cut emissions in the short term. Critics say the technolog…
国际能源机构说清洁煤技术可以帮助减少温室气体排放量的四分之一.但是环保组织地球之友的一位女发言人说,这项技术短期内减少排放的可能性很有限. 评论家们说这项技术未得到证实.他们还说它不能保证未来澳大利亚能减少排放量.澳大利亚的温室气体人均排放量比世界上其它任何一个国家都多.其排放主要来自燃煤发电. 11月15日,成…